
National Holiday
The Constitution Memorial Day
(May 3rd)

●憲法記念日 Kempo-kinenbi; the Constitution Memorial Day;
the Constitution Day
●憲法 constitution; (特定の国の憲法を指す場合は)the Constitution
●日本国憲法 the Constitution of Japan
●大日本帝国憲法 the Constitution of the Japanese Empire;
the Constitution of the Empire of Japan
●憲法を制定する establish the constitution
●憲法を公布する issue the constitution; promulgate the constitution
●憲法を施行する enforce the constitution
●憲法9条 Article 9 of the Constitution; the ninth article of the Constitution
●憲法改正 an amendment to the constitution; a revision of the constitution
●憲法を改正する amend the constitution; revise the constitution
●憲法を擁護する defend the constitution; support the constitution
●憲法違反 unconstitutionality; a breach of the constitution
●三権分立 the separation [division] of the three branches [powers] (of government);
the separation of the government into administrative, legislative and judicial branches

On November 3 of 1946 (Showa 21st yr), the present Constitution of Japan was issued.

On the following year, May 3 of 1947 (Showa 22nd yr), it was enforced.

In commemoration of the enforcement, May 3 was designated as a national holiday in 1948 (Showa 23rd yr), in accordance with “the law for national holidays.”

Since then, May 3 has been called Kempo-kinenbi, the Constitution Memorial Day.

The purpose of Kempo-kinebi is “to commemorate the enforcement of the Constitution of Japan, and hope for the growth of the country.”

The main points of this new Constitution declare Japan a democracy, proclaim respect for fundamental human rights, and divide the government into three powers.

The old Constitution, the Constitution of the Japanese Empire, is commonly called the Meiji Constitution.

On February 11 of 1889 (Meiji 22nd yr), the Meiji Constitution was issued.

On November 29 of 1890 (Meiji 23rd yr), it was enforced.

The Meiji Constitution was the Imperial Constitution and was drafted based on the model of the then existing German constitution.

In the Meiji Constitution, the Emperor was sacred and inviolable, and had supreme sovereignty.

When Japan surrendered in World War ll, it had to revise the Constitution according to the Potsdam Declaration.

The amendment made by the Japanese government kept the framework of the old Constitution.

Therefore, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Douglas MacArthur, ordered his staff officers to draft the constitution, and issued it to the Japanese Government.

The Meiji Constitution was abolished the day before the new Constitution was enforced.

In the present Constitution, the Emperor doesn’t have any power to rule, but is a symbol of the nation.

Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution is one of its most important characteristics: it declares the renunciation of war.

Now, more than 50 years have passed since the Constitution was established.

Some citizens and government officials have been discussing further revisions to the Constitution, especially regarding Article 9.

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