
Kiku-no-sekku (Choyo);
The Chrysanthemum Festival
(September 9th)

●重陽;菊の節句 Choyo-no-sekku; the Chrysanthemum Festival
●菊 chrysanthemum; mum
●菊の御紋 the Imperial crest composed of sixteen open; chrysanthemum petals
●菊花展 a chrysanthemum exhibition
●菊の品評会 a chrysanthemum competitive [prize] show,
a chrysanthemum fair
●菊人形 a chrysanthemum figure
●菊人形展 a chrysanthemum figure exhibition; a chrysanthemum doll exhibition
●食用菊 an edible chrysanthemum
●旧暦 the lunar calendar
●縁起の良い;めでたい auspicious
●縁起の悪い;不吉な inauspicious
●不老長寿 perpetual youth and longevity

Choyo-no-sekku falls on September 9th in the lunar calendar (October 9th in the solar calendar), and it is also called Kiku-no-sekku (the Chrysanthemum Festival).

Even numbers are considered to be Yin (inauspicious), and odd numbers are considered to be Yang (auspicious) in the concept of Yin and Yang in ancient China.

The number 9 is the highest single-digit Yang number, and September (the ninth month) 9th is literally called Choyo (double Yang).

In the Heian era (794-1191), Choyo-no-sekku began to be celebrated at the Imperial Court.

On September 8th, the day before Choyo-no-sekku, aristocrats covered flowers of chrysanthemums with cotton.

On the next morning, they wiped their faces and bodies with the cotton containing the scent of the flowers and moisture of the dew while praying for perpetual youth and longevity.

Chrysanthemums were at their best around Choyo-no-sekku, so they appreciated chrysanthemums, made Waka (a Japanese traditional poem of a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable) about chrysanthemums and drank Kiku-zake (sake with floating chrysanthemums).

Kiku-kadanten (the chrysanthemum exhibition), which has a connection to Choyo-no-sekku in the Imperial Court, is held in Shinjuku Gyoen Park in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo, from November 1st to the 15th every year.


Even now, rites and festivals of Choyo-no-sekku are still performed in many shrines and temples.

Kunchi is an autumn festival for the appreciation of the autumn harvest held on Choyo-no-hi.

According to one theory, the origin of the name of Kunchi is the date of “the 9th” as one of its pronunciations is “Kunchi” in Japanese.

In 1966 (Showa 41st yr), September 15th was established as a national holiday under the new name of Keiro-no-hi, Respect for the Aged Day, because the day was near Choyo-no-sekku, which was the festival for perpetual youth and longevity.

On the other hand, chrysanthemums are also symbolic flowers to express condolences and sympathy in some countries like in Europe and Asia, so they are often offered in funerals and to graves.

Chrysanthemums as well as cherry blossoms are representative flowers in Japan, and they were introduced into Japan from China in the Heian era for appreciation and medicine.

The Imperial Seal of Japan has been a front set of a 16 petal-chrysanthemum with double rows since 1869 (Meiji 2nd yr).

A front set of a 16-petal Chrysanthemum with single row is printed on Japanese passports in gold color.

Chrysanthemum designs can be seen on the front side of 50-yen coins.

In the Edo period (1603-1867), techniques of cultivation and improvement of breeds were remarkably developed by gardeners and flower lovers.

Around that time, they often held Kiku-awase (a chrysanthemum competitive show) and vied with each other enthusiastically.

Since then, chrysanthemum competitive shows, exhibitions or festivals have been held all around Japan every autumn, and many new varieties are exhibited.

In some big exhibitions, there are prizes such as the Prime Minister Prize, the prizes of various ministers, the Governor Prize, and the Mayor Prize.

Kiku-ningyo (chrysanthemum figure) started in Edo (ancient Tokyo) in the late Edo period.

Their faces, hands, and feet are made in the same way as wax dolls, and most of them are life-size figures.

Their body structures are made of bamboo, wood, straw, rope, and recently wire, and chrysanthemums with roots are placed on them like clothes.

The themes are often historical stories like “Tale of the Heike”, “Tale of the Genji”, Kabuki, or the year-long “NHK Taiga Drama” (an annual, year-long serial TV drama of Japanese historical fiction).

People have also enjoyed eating chrysanthemums since traditional times.

However, we cannot eat all chrysanthemums, but only edible ones which have less scent and bitterness.

The flowers are used as decorations for sashimi (sliced raw fish) or eaten in vinegar, and the leaves are eaten in sukiyaki, boiled and eaten with soy sauce, or cooked as tempura.

It was in the Edo era that common people began to eat them.

(Please see “The Chrysanthemum Exhibitions and the Chrysanthemum Figure Exhibitions” and “The Edible Chrysanthemums” for further information.)


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