
The New Year Firefighter Ceremony
(In the beginning of January)

●出初式 Dezome-shiki; the New Year Firefighter Ceremony;
the New Year Parade of the firefighters;
the New Year Fire Review
●消防庁 the Fire and Disaster Management Agency; FDMA
●消防署(組織) fire department; (英Br.)fire brigade
●消防署(建物) fire station
●消防士 (性区別無し)firefighter; (男)fireman
●消防団;消防隊 fire brigade
●消防自動車 fire engine; (米Am.)fire truck
●消防ポンプ車 fire pumper; fire pump; fire pumper truck; fire pump truck
●消防梯子車 fire ladder truck; hook-and-ladder truck; fire engine with a ladder
●消防艇 fireboat
●消防ヘリコプター fire helicopter
●消防活動 firefighting activities
●消防訓練 fire drill
●救助活動 rescue
●小隊操練 company food drill
●パレード parade
●音楽隊 brass band
●表彰 commendation
●梯子乗り Ladder Stunts

Dezome-shiki is the New Year Firefighters’ Ceremony performed by firefighters and people concerned in the fire department and is held in the beginning of January every year.

The purpose of the ceremony is to raise firefighters’ morale and the general public’s awareness of fire prevention.

The origin of Dezome-shiki can be traced back to the beginning of the Edo period (1603-1867).

Until the mid-17th century, the official firefighting system was not well organized in Edo (the Japanese capital city from 1603 to 1867).

In those days, great fires often broke out in Edo and the Great Fire of Meireki in 1657 (Meireki 3rd yr) destroyed more than 60% of Edo.

According to the website of the Cabinet Office, the death toll from the fire reached as many as 68,000.

After this calamity, Jobikeshi was institutionalized as a new firefighting system under the direct control of the shogunate (the Edo government).

The beginning of Dezome-shiki was that Jobikeshi boosted their spirits together in the first meeting at the Ueno-Toshogu shrine in 1659 (Manji 2nd yr).

The government made a new firefighting system when the Meiji era (1868-1912) began, and the first Dezome-shiki was held by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police and Fire Department in 1875 (Meiji 8th yr).

In 1948 (Showa 23rd) the firefighting system became independent of the police, and in the following year, the first Dezome-shiki was held by only the Tokyo Fire Department and has continued up to now.

Recently, Dezome-shiki has been held by many local governments throughout Japan besides Tokyo.

Nowadays, the highlight of Dezome-shiki is Hashigo-nori, the ladder stunts performed by men dressed as firemen of the Edo Period.

Matoi, the Edo firefighters’ flags with each group’s mark, and Kiyari-uta, songs for taking the lead in firefighting or labor, reproduce an Edo atmosphere.

The firefighting and rescue demonstrations are powerfully held as a replica of a real-life tense atmosphere.

There are many other events such as the parade of firefighters and fire engines, marching bands and commendations.

(より詳しい情報は「東京消防出初式 2015」をご覧下さい。)

(Please see “Our New Year Firefighter Ceremony Experience” for further information.)

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