
Moon Viewing
(on a night of the full moon in September or October)

●お月見 O-tsuki-mi; moon viewing
●十五夜 Jugo-ya; Moon Viewing Night
●月 moon
●仲秋の名月 Chushu-no-meigetsu; harvest moon
●満月 a full moon
●半月 a half moon
●三日月 crescent (moon); new moon
(月 moon には定冠詞の the を使いますが、half moon、crescent moon、beautiful moon など形容詞が前にくると、不定冠詞のaまたはanを一般に使います。)
●月明かり moonlight
●旧暦 lunar calendar; old calendar
●祈り prayer
●供える (to) offer
●すすき Japanese pampas grass
●(月見)団子 (moon viewing) dumpling
●作物;収穫物 crop(s) (しばしば複数形で使います。)
●里芋 Japanese taro
●さつま芋 sweet potato; yam
●栗 chestnut
●うさぎ rabbit

In autumn, the air is clear, and the moon looks especially beautiful.

People enjoy gazing at the full moon on Moon Viewing Night, or Jugo-ya.

Originally, O-tsuki-mi was held on the night of August 15th according to the lunar calendar.

Recently, Jugo-ya is celebrated on a night in September or October and the date depends on the year.

It falls on a night of a full moon 15 days before or after Shubun-no-hi, Autumn Equinox Day (September 22nd or 23rd).

Special dumplings called tsuki-mi-dango are offered to the moon.

The ingredients, shapes, sizes of the dumplings and the number of the dumplings offered, depend on the region.

Newly harvested fruits and other foods from the year’s harvest are also offered to the moon.

Popular examples of such offerings include taros, sweet potatoes, chestnuts and persimmons.

Japanese pampas grass, a typical autumn plant, are also added for decoration because they look like ears of rice and are said to be a form of protection from evil spirits.

The way Jugo-ya is celebrated varies between regions and generations.

There are many famous places for O-tsuki-mi: Togetsu-kyo Bridge and Osawa Pond of Daikaku-ji Temple in Kyoto City, Sarusawa Pond of Kofuku-ji Temple in Nara City, Matsushima in Miyagi Prefecture and Gengu-en Garden in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture.

O-tsuki-mi are held throughout Japan with various events such as ancient traditional court dances and music, concerts, tea ceremonies and gatherings of Haiku (17-syllable short poem written in a 5-7-5 pattern).

O-tsuki-mi may also include a prayer to the moon for a plentiful harvest.

The origin of O-tsuki-mi is not certain, but it was probably introduced to Japan from China.

In China, people eat geppei instead of moon dumplings during Chushu-setsu (the Mid-Autumn Festival) on August 15th by the lunar calendar.

Geppei is a flat and round cake containing anko (or an), nuts, sesame, dried persimmons, duck eggs and other ingredients.

There are many types of anko: tsubu-an (coarse sweet red bean paste), koshi-an (strained sweet red bean paste), kimi-an (strained sweet white kidney bean and egg yolk paste) and hasu-no-mi-an (strained sweet lotus seed paste) and goma-an (sweet sesame paste).

The origin of geppei is an offering to the god of the moon during Chushu-setsu, but nowadays Chinese send geppei as a gift to people who are close to them or take care of them at this time of the year.

In Japan, it is said that there is a rabbit on the moon pounding steamed rice with “kine” (a wooden mallet) in “usu” (a big mortar for rice cake) to make mochi.

This is because Japanese thought that the craters of the moon looked like a rabbit making rice cakes.

(Please see “Our Moon Viewing Experience” for further information.)


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