
The Bean-Throwing Ceremony;
(February 3rd or 4th)

●節分 Setsubun; Bean-throwing Ceremony; Bean-scattering Ceremony;
Bean-throwing Festival; Bean-scattering Festival
●福豆 lucky roasted soybeans
●炒り豆 roasted soybeans
●鬼 demon; devil
●お面 mask
●神社 shrine
●寺 temple
●幸運 good luck
●悪運 bad luck
●柊 holly
●鰯 sardine
●巻寿司 maki-zushi; rolled sushi

According to the old lunar calendar of Japan, the day when each season starts is designated as Risshun (spring), Rikka (summer), Risshu (autumn) and Ritto (winter).

Setsubun literally signifies “the division of each season” and originally meant the day before these four days.

However, now when people hear Setsubun, they think only of the Bean-throwing Ceremony which falls on either the 3rd or the 4th of February.

People throw roasted soybeans called “Fuku-mame” (lucky beans) inside and outside the house shouting “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!”

This means, “Out with bad luck! In with good luck!”

Children especially enjoy throwing beans at home, nursery schools and kindergartens.

Parents and teachers often play the role of the demon and wear a demon mask and have beans thrown at them by their children.

Bean-throwing Ceremonies are also held at shrines and temples, where a lot of people gather in order to catch lucky beans.

The beans are thrown by Toshi-otoko and Toshi-onna, or the lucky bean throwers, who were born under the sign of the Chinese Zodiac of the current year.

At some shrines and temples, famous people such as entertainers, sumo wrestlers, politicians throw the beans.

It is believed that eating as many lucky beans as one’s age keeps illness and bad luck away.

On this day, maki-zushi (rolled sushi), which is commonly known as “Eho-maki”, isn’t cut into pieces, but rather eaten whole like a hot dog, while looking in Eho (the lucky direction) of that year.

The exact origin of Eho-maki has yet to be confirmed, however, according to one theory, the sushi-related association in Osaka established this custom for its sales promotion after World War ll.

Later, this custom has been spread by convenience stores and major supermarkets all through Japan.

In some areas the head of a grilled sardine is skewered on a twig of holly and hung on the front door.

However, many people prefer to eat a grilled sardine instead.

It is believed that the prickly bones and the strong smell of the sardine, as well as the thorns of the holly leaf will drive evil spirits away.


(Please see “My Bean-Throwing Ceremony Experience”, “The Bean-Throwing Festival at Tocho Temple“, and “The Bean-Throwing Festival at Kushida Shrine” in Fukuoka City, “The Bean-Throwing Festival at Sensoji Temple”, “The Bean-Throwing Festival at Gokokuji Temple” in Tokyo for further information.)


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