
National Holiday
Respect for the Aged Day
(the third Monday of September)

●敬老の日 Keiro-no-hi; Respect for the Aged Day
●老人;年配の人 the aged; the elderly; the old; old(er) people;
old man [woman]; senior citizens
●祖父母 grandparents
●祖父 grandfather
●祖母 grandmother
●孫 (単数)grandchild; (複数)grandchildren
●長寿 longevity; long life
●健康 health
●貢献 contribution
●感謝 gratitude; appreciation; thanks
●高齢化社会 aging society
●平均寿命 average life span
●介護保険 nursing care insurance
●公的看護保険 public insurance for elderly care

The origin of Keiro-no-hi is “Toshiyori-no-hi” (Elderly People’s Day), which started in Nomatani Village, Taka County, Hyogo Prefecture in 1947 (Showa 22nd yr).

The chief of the village was disturbed that people had gradually stopped respecting the aged, because the war made people degenerate; therefore, he advocated “Toshiyori-no-hi”.

The date was established on September 15th because the climate was mild and it was in the farmer’s off-season.

“Toshiyori-no-hi” spread to all of Hyogo Prefecture, and finally throughout Japan.

In 1966 (Showa 41st yr), the day was established as a national holiday under the new name of Keiro-no-hi, Respect for the Aged Day.

In 2000 (Heisei 12th yr), Happy Monday, a new law was designated, and Keiro-no-hi was moved to the third Monday of September.

On this day, people express their gratitude for the many contributions made by the elderly to their society and families.

People pray for the health and longevity of elderly people.

Various events are held to show respect for the elderly.

People visit their grandparents, aged parents, and elderly acquaintances with presents.

They share a meal and chat, and enjoy each other’s company.

Japanese people have the longest average life expectancy in the world.

In Japan, the average life span of a man is 80.79 years, and that of a woman is 87.05 years, according to statistics in 2016 (Heisei 28th yr).

In recent years, Japan has become an aging society because an increasing number of people are having fewer children.

(Please see “My Respect for the Aged Day Experience” for further information.)

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