
Mother’s Day
(the Second Sunday of May)

●母の日 Haha-no-hi; Mother’s Day
●母 mother
●実母 biological mother; one’s own real mother
●継母 stepmother
●姑 mother-in-law
●感謝 gratitude; thanks; appreciation
●敬愛 piety; love; reverence
●カーネーション carnation
●プレゼント gift; present
●家事 housework; housekeeping; domestic duties
●料理 cooking
●掃除 cleaning; (大掃除)cleanup; (一掃)sweeping
●選択 washing; wash
●育児 child care; nurse
●主婦 housewife; 【米Am.】housemaker; the lady of the house

Mother’s Day is celebrated in honor of mothers on the second Sunday of May.

The history of Mother’s Day is very long, and its origin dates back to Ancient Greece.

It is said that Anna Jarvis in West Virginia advocated Mother’s Day in the USA.

In 1907, she held a memorial ceremony for her mother on the anniversary of her mother’s death.

To her mother’s memory, she offered white carnations, which her mother had liked, and also handed a white carnation to each in attendance.

Shortly afterwards, people whose mothers were alive started wearing red carnations on their chest.

People whose mothers had passed away began to wear white carnations.

Carnations are regarded as holy flowers in Christianity.

In 1914 President Wilson declared Mother’s Day, a national holiday, and later this custom spread to Japan from the USA.

It became a popular practice in Japan, around 1950 (Showa 25th yr), and Japanese people started to present carnations and gifts with cards to their mothers on Mother’s Day.

As Mother’s Day draws near, flower shops are full of carnations: cut ones, potted ones and arranged ones.

Not long ago, the standard bouquet for Mother’s Day consisted of only red carnations and white gypsophilas (baby’s breath) but now color variations have been increasing such as orange, yellow, yellowish green, purple and a mixture of white and red.

There are a wide variety of gifts for Mother’s Day at shops.

Delivery services and online sales are useful to send gifts to mothers who live far away.

They often invite their mothers to dinner.

Some just spend Mother’s Day relaxing with their mothers.

Others do housework on their mother’s behalf, so that she can enjoy a relaxing day, at least on Mother’s Day.

Children draw their mothers’ portraits at preschools and elementary schools, and some children write compositions in order to thank their mothers.

Mothers love these homemade presents very much.

As piety and gratitude for mothers are universal feelings, nowadays many countries around the world celebrate Mother’s Day.

(Please see “My Mother’s Day Experience” for further information.)

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