
Wagaya no Ha-to-kuchi-no-kenko-shukan;
(Our Experience during the Week concerning the Promotion of Dental and Oral Health)


When I was a child, my mother made me brush my teeth thoroughly, so my teeth stayed healthy. Fortunately, as I had straight teeth, my teeth did not need braces. However, I cut four wisdom teeth which caused me pain and a high fever, and eventually I had my four wisdom teeth removed. After I gave birth to my son, my teeth suddenly became very weak and I got cavities one after another. I had difficulty in seeing good dentists, and I had to move several times because of my husband’s job transfers even though I found one in each location. These days, I am relieved to find reliable and skillful dentists both in Tokyo and the Kansai Area.


Hakusan Shrine in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo was founded in 948 (Tenryaku 2nd yr) by transferring a divided tutelary deity from Shirayama-Hime Shrine in Kaga-koku (the present south part of Ishikawa Prefecture). This Hakusan Shrine is believed to relieve toothaches though there are various theories on its origin. In the middle of the Edo Period (1603-1867), the Empress Gosakuramachi put sacred salt on her decayed tooth with sacred chopsticks which her court lady brought back from this shrine, and her toothache was gone. It is also said that Hakusan implies “Ha-ku-san” (to drive toothaches away). Every year, I visited Ajisai-matsuri (Hydrangea Festival) held in June, which is one of the five major flower festivals in Bunkyo Ward. During several days of Ajisai-Matsuri, a toothbrush memorial and thanksgiving ceremony is held. People bring their used toothbrushes and pray for them. New toothbrushes are offered to the first 100 visitors, and a dental counseling corner is held by the Dental Association.


There are about 2,700 Hakusan Shrines all over the country and their grand head shrine is located in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture. The following pictures are Hakusan Shrines which I visited:

(1) 石川県白山市三宮町の白山比咩神社
(1) Shirayama-Hime Shrine, Sannomiya Town, Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture

(2) 福井県勝山市平泉寺町の平泉寺白山神社
(2) Heisenji Hakusan Shrine in Heisenji Town, Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture

(3) 新潟県新潟市中央区の白山神社
(3) Hakusan Shrine in Chuo ward, Niigata City, Niigata Prefecture

(4) 福井県あわら市浜坂の白山神社
(4) Hakusan Shrine in Hamasaka, Awara City, Fukui Prefecture

(5) 岩手県西磐井郡平泉町の白山神社
(5) Hakusan Shrine in Hiraizumi Town, Nishiiwai County, Iwate Prefecture


Shio-jizo (“Shio” is salt and “Jizo” is the guardian deity of children and travelers in Buddhism) in Genkaku-ji Temple of Koishikawa, Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo is also famous for answering prayers for the cure of dental diseases. The name of Shio-jizo originates from the salt which worshippers bring in and pile around the Jizo for prayers. Since ancient times, it has been said that salt has the power of purification, so that it is useful to rub salt not only on bad teeth but also other affected parts. In addition, many people who want their teeth to be white visit the temple because the salt is white.


Genkaku-ji Temple was found in 1624 (Kanei 1st yr), and many people believed in this temple, especially the second shogun, Tokugawa Hidetada and the third shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu. A wooden seated statue of Enma-daio, the king of hell, with a yellow right eye is said to have been made in the Kamakura Period (around 1185-1333) and is older than Genkaku-ji Temple. According to the legend, in the Horeki Period (1751-1764) the elderly woman who suffered from an eye disease prayed to Enma-daio for a cure every day, and he appeared in her dream and said to her, “I will give you one of my eyes to treat your eye disease”. Soon after the dream, her eye disease was cured, and she thanked him so much that she gave up eating her favorite Konnyaku and kept offering it to him. Since then, this temple has been called Konnyaku-emma, and still now many people visit the temple with Konnyaku to pray. A few years ago, I visited this temple to see Hozuki-ichi (a ground-cherry fair) in the summer and listened to Joya-no-kane on New Year’s Eve.


Ha Shrine, known as “Ha-gami-san” (the god of teeth), is located in Kita Ward, Osaka City. This is a subordinate shrine belonging to Tsunashiki Tenjin Shrine, and originally dedicated to agricultural gods. In times past when the Yodo River flooded, the flood stopped (“Ha-dome” in Japanese) around this shrine, and the shrine came to be called Ha Shrine. As time went by, the significance of the shrine’s name changed: “Ha” also means “tooth” and “dome” means “stop”, so it became known as the shrine to stop toothaches. The prayers to this shrine are not only those who suffer from toothaches, irregular sets of teeth and troubles of artificial teeth, but also dentists who pray for improvement of their techniques and management, and students of dental colleges who pray for academic achievement.


In 2015 (Heisei 27th yr), on June 4th, the first day of “Ha-to-kuchi-no-kenko-shukan” (the Week concerning the Promotion of Dental and Oral Health), I went to the Regular Festival and the Toothbrush Thanksgiving Day in Ha-gami-san. It was the first time for me to go to Osaka by train in more than a decade; I got lost as soon as I exited the automatic ticket gate of Osaka Station even though I checked my map many times and asked my husband the night before. I asked two women standing near the ticket gate how to go to the shrine showing the map, to my surprise, they took me near the shrine. I was very happy that they reminded me how kind people in Osaka were. Soon after I arrived at the shrine, the Shinto ritual started. I offered three toothbrushes used by my family to the shrine and prayed for the good health of my family’s teeth over the coming year. Toothbrushes were offered to the first 100 visitors in cooperation with All Japan Brush Industrial Cooperative Associations.


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