
The Star Festival
(July 7th)

●七夕 Tanabata; the Star Festival
●天の川 the Milky Way
●牽牛(けんぎゅう)(彦星) the Cowherd Star (Altair)
●織女(しょくじょ)(乙姫) the Weaver Star (Vega)
●願い事 wish
●色紙 colored paper
●短冊 tanzaku; a strip of colored paper; a rectangular-shaped card for writing poetry
●竹 bamboo
●竹飾り take-kazari; Tanabata Bamboo decoration
●笹 a bamboo grass
●笹の葉 a bamboo leaf; a bamboo blade
●お供え物 an offering

Tanabata, the Star Festival, usually falls on July 7th and in some regions is celebrated on August 8th following the lunar calendar.

In China, there is a legend about Hiko-boshi (the Cowherd Star, Altair) and Ori-hime (the Weaver Star, Vega).

Hiko-boshi and Ori-hime loved each other very much, but the gods forbade their love.

The gods separated them and only allowed them to meet in the Milky Way once a year on the night of July 7th.

This legend was introduced to Japan as the Star Festival.

It was combined with local customs in Japan and preparations for O-bon (the Bon holiday) ― thus becoming Tanabata.

People write their wishes on tanzaku (strips of paper of five different colors): green, red, yellow, white and black (or purple).

These five colors derive from the Yin-Yang and the Five Elements Theory with green representing trees, red representing fire, yellow representing soil, white representing metal and black (or purple) representing water.

Following the legend of the Cowherd Star and the Weaver Star, some young people make a wish such as “I wish I could be with someone I like.”

It is said that people’s wishes for improvement in their calligraphy or sewing will be realized if they pray to the stars on Tanabata night.

They also make various ornaments with pieces of paper.

Tanzaku and ornaments are tied to bamboo branches to make Tanabata bamboo decorations.

When Tanabata is drawing near, fresh bamboo for take-kazari is sold at flower shops or DIY stores.

They are not expensive but will wilt in several days.

We can also buy a “Tanabata kit” which consists of tanzaku, some Tanabata ornaments, and a stalk of plastic bamboo.

Nowadays, bamboo and the “Tanabata kit” are even sold through on-line Internet sites.

The religious rites of Tanabata are held in shrines and temples throughout Japan.

Children enjoy singing the Tanabata song and eating sweets and snacks.

Many young couples enjoy a romantic Tanabata evening date wearing yukata (simple cotton kimono, a Japanese traditional costume, for summer).

Many businesses host various Tanabata events to attract customers.

Tanabata in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture has the largest and most famous celebration.

This Tanabata is counted among the three major Tanabata in Japan along with the Shonan-Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival in Kanagawa Prefecture and the Anjyo Tanabata Festival in Aichi Prefecture.

The Sendai Tanabata Festival is one of the three major festivals in the Tohoku Area along with the Aomori Nebuta Festival and the Akita Kanto Festival.

It is said that Date Masamune, the first lord of the Sendai Domain, started Sendai Tanabata in the beginning of the Edo Period (1603-1867).

Though it was interrupted several times due to wars or recession, it is now a large-scale festival with more than 2 million people visiting every year.

Since there was a Navy Ammunitions Arsenal in Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture during World War ll, the city was totally burned down when bombs were dropped by American aircraft.

After World War ll in 1951 (Showa 26th yr), the first Tanabata in Hiratsuka was held following Sendai Tanabata.

Streamers of the Shonan-Hiratsuka Tanabata festival are decorated with lights.

People enjoy the Ori-hime contest as well as the competition of Tanabata decorations and parades.

There is a theory that the Aomori Nebuta festival and the Hirosaki Neputa festival are a fusion of Tanabata and Toro-nagashi.

Toro-nagashi is a Buddhist rite in which small paper lanterns are floated down rivers and in the sea to say farewell to spirits which come back during the Bon festival.

The highlights of Aomori Nebuta and Hirosaki Neputa are huge lanterns depicting the themes of Japanese or Chinese history, Kabuki and the NHK Taiga Drama (the annual, year-long serial TV drama of historical Japanese fiction broadcast by NHK, Japan’s public broadcasting station).

In 1980 (Showa 55th yr), Aomori Nebuta and Hirosaki Neputa were designated as the Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties.

The Kanto festival in Akita Prefecture is said to be a combination of Tanabata and preparations for O-bon.

The performers balance long poles with 46 lanterns on their hands, foreheads, shoulders and lower backs imitating kome-dawara (straw rice bags).

Its origin dates back to the middle of the Edo Period.

In 1980 (Showa 55th yr), Akita Kanto was also designated as the Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties.


(Please see “Our Star Festival Experience “and “The Shonan Hiratsuka Star Festival” for further information.)

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