
National Holiday
Vernal Equinox Day
(on or around March 22nd)

●春分の日 Shumbun-no-hi; Vernal Equinox Day
●秋分の日 Shubun-no-hi; Autumn Equinox Day
●夏至 the summer solstice
●冬至 the winter solstice
●彼岸 the equinoctial week
●赤道 the equator
●煩悩 worldly desires; earthly desires; worldly passions; earthly passions
●先祖;祖先 ancestor; (主に男性)forefather; (集合的に)ancestry
●子孫 descendant; (集合的に)posterity
●墓 grave; tomb
●墓地 graveyard; (教会に属さない共同墓地)cemetery; (教会付属)churchyard;(婉曲的に)memorial park
●墓参りをする (to) visit one’s grave

There are two days in the year when the length of daylight and night are almost equal.

One is in spring called Shumbun-no-hi (Vernal Equinox Day), and the other is in autumn which is called Shubun-no-hi (Autumn Equinox Day).

On these days, the sun is positioned directly over the equator and rises in the east and sets in the west.

Shumbun-no-hi is on or around March 22nd, and Shubun-no-hi is on or around September 22nd.

From Shumbun-no-hi to the summer solstice, the days gradually become longer while the nights become shorter.

From Shubun-no-hi to the winter solstice, the days gradually become shorter while the nights become longer.

The 7 days centering around each equinox are special days known as Higan.

We call the first three days Higan-no-iri, the fourth day (Shumbun-no-hi or Shubun-no-hi) Higan-no-chunichi and the last three days Higan-no-ake.

Originally, Higan was the Buddhist world where no one had any earthly desires, and everyone attained spiritual enlightenment.

Higan later came to mean the world where deceased ancestors live.

The 7 days of Higan, as well as the season of O-bon are important in Buddhism.

On these occasions, families get together to visit the graves of their ancestors.

People thoroughly clean the graves, light incense and offer flowers, water, fruits, sweets and so on and pray.

During Higan, people eat Japanese sweets that are glutinous rice-balls covered with anko (sweetened bean-paste).

During Higan in spring, these Japanese sweets are called bota-mochi after botan (a peony), which blooms in spring.

During Higan in autumn, these Japanese sweets are called ohagi after hagi (a bush clover), which blooms in autumn.

With regard to the size of the flowers, bota-mochi is a slightly bigger than ohagi.

(Please see “Autumn Equinox Day” and “The Buddhist Souls Festival” for further information.)

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