
The Anniversary of the End of World War ll
(August 15th)

●終戦の日 Shusen-no-hi; the Anniversary of the End of World War ll
●終戦記念日 Shusen-kinenbi
●戦争 war
●アジア太平洋戦争 the Asia-Pacific War; the War in Asia and the Pacific
●第二次世界大戦 World War ll
●終戦 war end; end of the war; termination of the war
●降伏 surrender
●敗戦 the loss of a battle; defeat
●敗戦国 defeated country; defeated nation; loser
●戦勝国 victor (country); victor (nation); victorious country; victorious nation
●休戦;停戦 cease-fire; truce
●和平工作 peace move; peace movement; peace overture
●調停 mediation
●戦争賠償 war reparations
●占領軍 occupation forces; forces of occupation; forces of the occupying power
●軍国主義 militarism
●平和 peace

On August 15th (Showa 20th yr), through a live broadcast speech by the Emperor, the Japanese people learned of their defeat and of the end of the Asia-Pacific War.

At that time, the Japanese nation heard the Emperor’s voice for the first time, through an NHK radio broadcast.

A large number of people were grief-stricken when they heard the news, and some even committed suicide.

This day, August 15th is generally recognized as Shusen-no-hi or Shusen-kinenbi, the Anniversary of the end of the Asia-Pacific War.

On July 17th, the President of the United States, Harry S Truman, the Prime Minister of Britain, Sir Winston Churchill, and the Secretary-General of the Soviet Union, Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin, conducted a summit conference, at Potsdam, in the suburbs of Berlin.

On July 26th, the Potsdam Declaration was announced; it demanded Japan’s unconditional surrender, the total abolition of militarism, and the establishment of a democracy.

On the 28th day of the same month, the Japanese government declared “silence” for the moment, in other words, “some time to think it over”.

However, the Japanese term for “silence” was mistranslated as “ignore”, or “disapproval of the Declaration”.

This led to the release of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6th and on Nagasaki on August 9th.

The Japanese government had asked the Soviet Union to arrange for peace negotiations: they agreed to a nonaggression treaty.

On August 8th, however, the Japanese government’s only hope, the Soviet Union, declared war on Japan, and the following day, it made a violent attack on the Japanese military in China.

On August 14th, the Japanese Government made a desperate decision to accept the Potsdam Declaration, in order to save Japan; otherwise, Japan would be completely destroyed.

On August 15th, the decision to end the war was announced to the nations.

On August 28th, the occupation army, numbering 400 thousand soldiers, arrived at Atsugi as the advance party.

The American General, Douglas MacArthur, was the supreme commander.

On September 2nd, the Capitulation was signed on the Missouri, an American battleship.

More than 3 million Japanese people lost their lives during the war.

The Japanese military equally killed a great number of people, the majority being in Asia.

Due to recent events, sending Japanese Self-Defense Forces abroad has become a controversial issue.

Times are changing; international contribution and the Peace Constitution are matters that need to be discussed.

The problem of the postwar compensation claim of war victims has not yet been resolved.

Every year, on the anniversary of the end of World War ll, some high officials of the Japanese government worship at Yasukuni Shrine.

There, the souls of the deceased soldiers are worshiped like gods.

This tradition is often criticized, both in Japan and abroad, as it seems to justify war.

It is important to realize that Japanese people were assailants as well as victims.

Let us try not to repeat the same mistakes we have made in the past, and instead of war, look towards world peace.

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