
National Holiday
Labor Thanksgiving Day
(November 23rd)

●勤労感謝の日 Kinro-kansha-no-hi; Labor Thanksgiving Day
●勤労;労働 【米Am.】labor; 【英Br.】labour
●労働者 【米Am.】a laborer; 【英Br.】a labourer ; a worker
●労働組合 a trade union; a labor union
●生産 productivity
●感謝 (神への感謝)thanksgiving; thanks; gratitude; appreciation
●収穫 harvest; crop
●収穫祭 a harvest festival
●農業 agriculture; farming
●農作物 crop(s)
●アメリカ先住民 a Native American
●七面鳥 a turkey

Kinro-kansha-no-hi, Labor Thanksgiving Day falls on November 23.

In 1948 (Showa 23rd yr), Labor Thanksgiving Day was established, in accordance with the law for national holidays.

The purpose of Labor Thanksgiving Day is “to recognize the importance of labor, celebrate productivity, and appreciate each other.”

From 1873 (Meiji 6th yr) to the end of World War ll, November 23 was one of the Imperial events called Niiname-sai.

Niiname was originally Niiae and means the feast of new grain.

At one time, the Emperor offered a portion of the first harvest to the gods, and then ate it himself.

Not only farmers but also the entire nation celebrated the autumnal harvest.

In recent times, there aren’t many big events on this day, other than the harvest festivals.

There is also “a Thanksgiving Day” in America, but it is very different from Labor Thanksgiving Day of Japan.

Thanksgiving in America is celebrated on the last Thursday of November.

In 1620, the Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts on the Mayflower.

The Pilgrims went to America with a lot of hope, but when they arrived, they suffered through very hard times, raising crops in this new and foreign land.

The Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn, pumpkin and other vegetables.

The following year, the Pilgrims had a successful harvest, and thanked God.

They had a feast to which they invited the Native Americans, in appreciation of their help.

This occasion is the origin of Thanksgiving Day in America.

For American families, Thanksgiving Day is the most important holiday after Christmas and Easter.

They enjoy traditional dishes on Thanksgiving Day, such as turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, corn, and other dishes.

In Japan, there are no similar customs to the American Thanksgiving Day.

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