
The Week concerning the Promotion of Dental and Oral Health
(from June 4th to 10th)

●歯と口の健康週間 the Week concerning the Promotion of Dental and Oral Health
●虫歯予防デー Cavity Prevention Day
●歯 (a) tooth; 【複pl】teeth
●虫歯 (a) decayed tooth; (a) bad tooth; (a) decayed tooth; (a) cavity
●日本歯科医師会 the Japan Dental Association
●歯医者 (a) dentist
●歯ブラシ (a) toothbrush
●練り歯磨き toothpaste; (1本)a tube of toothpaste
●歯磨き粉 tooth powder
●デンタルフロス dental floss
●うがい mouth wash
●うがいをする (to) rinse (out); (to) gargle
●うがい薬 (a) gargle; (口内洗浄剤)(a) mouthwash
●検診 (a) medical [physical / health] examination; (a) medical [physical / health] checkup
●定期検診 (a) regular [periodical] medical examination

“Ha-to-kuchi-no-kenko-shukan” (the Week concerning the Promotion of Dental and Oral Health) is held from June 4th to 10th every year by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Japan Dental Association and the Japanese Association of School Dentists.

The purpose of this week is dissemination and increasing awareness with regard to the proper knowledge concerning dental and oral health, and also to contribute to maintain and promote people’s health with the act of prolonging the lifespan of people’s teeth through early detection and treatment.

From 1928 (Showa 3rd yr) to 1938 (Showa 13th yr), the Japan Dental Association established June 4th as “Mushi-ba-yobo-dei” (Cavity Prevention Day) from the pun of 6 (“mu” in Japanese) and 4 (“shi” in Japanese).

In 1939 (Show 14th yr), it was changed to “Goshi-bi” and then in 1942 (Showa 17th), it became “Kenmin-mushiba-yobo-undo”.

It was discontinued from 1943 (Showa 18th yr) at the peak of World War ll to 1947 (Showa 22nd) during the chaotic time after the war.

In 1949 (Showa 24th yr), it was restored as “Koku-eisei-shukan” (the Oral Hygiene Week).

In 1952 (Showa 27th yr), its name was changed to “Koku-eisei-kyocho-undo” (the Oral Hygiene Emphasis Campaign), and in 1956 (Showa 31st), it returned again to “Koku-eisei-shukan”.

From 1958 (Showa 33rd) to 2012 (Heisei 24th), it was called “Ha-no-eisei-shukan” (the Week concerning the Promotion of Dental Health) and since 2013 (Heisei 25th yr), it has been called “Ha-to-kuchi-no-kenko-shukan”.

During the week, various events are held such as brushing lessons for the prevention of tooth decay, dental contests, testing of dental effective food, consultation meetings for sets of teeth or artificial teeth and talk shows by the Dental Associations all around Japan.

Every year, the Japan Dental Association and the Japan Dentifrice Manufactures Association jointly create posters to distribute to hospitals, public health centers, public offices and schools.

Educational information is shown in newspaper advertisements and television commercial messages.

The Japan Dental Association thought more campaign days were necessary to enforce the enlightenment activities besides “Ha-to-kuchi-no-kenko-shukan”.

Therefore, in 1993 (Heisei 5th yr), “Yoi-ha-no-hi” (the Day for Good Teeth) was established on April 18th through play on words of 4 (“yo” in Japanese), 1 (“i” in Japanese) and 8 (“ha” in Japanese), and “Ii-ha-no-hi” was established on November 8th through play on words of 11 (“ii” in Japanese) and 8 (“ha” in Japanese).

In addition to the campaign days, the Japan Dental Association also provides various kinds of information for dental and oral health on its website.

◆日本歯科医師会PRキャラクターの「よ坊さん 」は画像や動画で可愛らしい姿をみせており、人気があります。
The images and movies of “Yobo-san”, the PR mascot of the Japan Dental Association, are very cute and popular.


(Please see ”Our Expression during the Week concerning the Promotion of Dental and Oral Health”.)


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