
(October 31st)

●ハロウィン Halloween
●「お菓子をくれないといたずらするよ」 “Trick or treat?”
●キャンディー candy
●かぼちゃ pumpkin
ジャック・オー・ランタン Jack-o’-lantern
●ろうそく candle
●大きなかがり火 bonfire
●ボビン・フォー・アップル;りんご取りゲーム bobbing for apples
●衣装 costume
●マスク;仮面 mask
●お化け monster
●幽霊 ghost
●骸骨 skeleton
●魔女 witch
●鬼 goblin
●フランケンシュタイン Frankenstein
●ミイラ mummy
●吸血鬼 vampire
●こうもり bat
●黒猫 black cat
●女王様 queen
●シンデレラ Cinderella
●スーパーマン Superman

Halloween is more of a modern festival than a holiday.

It is mainly for children, but it can be for anyone who is “young at heart”.

On the night of Oct 31st, children usually, but not always, wear scary costumes, and go door-to-door in the neighborhood to receive sweets.

Once someone answers the children’s call at the door, the children must say, “Trick or treat”.

People can respond by giving the children a treat (sweets), or else the children will play a trick on them.

The children collect many sweets and have much fun.

After people carve pumpkins, they put candles inside and call it a Jack-o’-lantern.

Houses are decorated with scary ghosts, monsters, witches, bats, and Jack-o’-lanterns.

Bobbing for apples is one of the traditional games of Halloween.

Once water is put in a large basin, many apples are placed in the water.

People hold their hands behind their backs and try to catch an apple with their teeth.

Halloween started in Scotland and Ireland and its original purpose was truly scary.

In ancient Europe, on the night before All Saint’s Day, people used to stay up all night.

Bonfires were burned to keep evil spirits away.

People thought these spirits took the form of witches, black cats, fairies and other creatures.

Today Halloween is just for fun.

Halloween was introduced to Japan from the USA.

It is said that a confectionary company, whose head office is in Kobe, made Halloween popular all over Japan.

This company is also famous for the introduction of St. Valentine’s Day from the USA to Japan.

Every October, it seems the number of Halloween decorations has been increasing year after year.

Some commercial facilities remove all the summer decorations on the night of August 31st, and on the next day, September 1st, they are filled with Halloween decorations.

Halloween decorations in Japan are actually cute and funny rather than scary and creepy as in other countries.

Especially sweets shops, toy shops, and shops which sell Halloween costumes and decorations put emphasis on Halloween sales.

Halloween parties, costume contests, and other various events are held.

Halloween in Japan isn’t as popular as in the USA, but it has been becoming an enjoyable event for people of all ages, even in Japan.

It’s a pity that almost every year on October 31st, many people in Halloween costumes occupy downtown areas and railway cars, and cause trouble for others.

People in Halloween costumes sometimes get drunk and make a racket in the streets.


(Please see “My Halloween Experience” for further information.)

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