In July 2012, I went to Laos and Thailand with some of my classmates for 10 days to learn about Southeast Asian public health. We flew to Bangkok where we caught a connecting flight to Udon Thani, and entered Laos by land, though there were direct flights between Japan and Laos. It was around a 30-minute drive from the border between Thailand and Laos to the capital of Laos, Vientiane. We visited the JICA Laos Office and were lectured about the contents of their activities. At that time, there was no medical school in Laos so that doctors could not be trained inside the country. Therefore, JICA supported the establishment of a medical school. At the same time, they improved the situations of sanitation and nutrition, spread checkups for pregnant women and deliveries in hospitals, and many other efforts.
We went to the market in the downtown area which was relatively safe so we had no dangerous experiences there. The same paper diapers and detergent which were seen in Japan were sold there. We tried a medicinal herb sauna, a local specialty, which was a very interesting highly-heated sauna with a strong fragrant aroma. After we left the sauna, we naturally felt more comfortable even in the sweltering open air.
On the next day after we arrived in Laos, I flew to Pakse, an eastern town in Laos, where there was another office of JICA. Here we were lectured by the members and we also visited the hospital. Basically, there are no local general practitioners, so sick people have no choice but to go to public medical facilities: county hospitals, prefectural hospitals or health centers. JICA has been energetically conducting an awareness campaign for health as well as medical care for diseases despite the serious shortage of human and material resources. Besides Japan, many countries such as France and Germany support medical care and public health on both issues of trained staff as well as equipment and supplies. However, what is much more important in terms of support is to make Laotians independent in the future, so they have also been focusing on staff training.
On the other hand, there are problems from a sanitary aspect: in a village, we saw houses which had livestock such as pigs and chickens under the floor. Doctors hardly ever visit places far from urban areas, so shamans play the role of doctors. It is likely that the intervention of medical care is not going smoothly in those areas.
After we stayed in Pakse for several days, we flew back to Bangkok. We visited a slum near the port and a health center there. We were shocked to see people living in houses on the river which was covered with waste. The slum seemed to be too dangerous for general tourists to visit though we finished our visit without any trouble thanks to the guide. The health center in the slum was barely supplied with equipment or material resources. People had to wait a long time just to be prescribed only medicine.
On the contrary, the Thai government gives high priority to medical tourism for foreign visitors. There are even high-quality medical institutions for VIPs. We visited one of them where advanced medical care was initiatively given and was ready for high quality services to people from various countries. There was even a Japanese doctor working there. I could not help thinking about the gap after seeing both the inadequate medical care in the slum and the advanced medical care for medical tourism.
It is quite difficult to solve the very complicated problem of public health in Thailand and Laos because the problem is closely associated with social conditions. However, the situation has gradually been getting better in cooperation with medical staff from developed countries and local people using various aid from developed countries including Japan.