当ウェブサイトはAzure Global Network Services(以下「当社」)が管理及び運営しております。
This website is run and managed by Azure Global Network Services (hereinafter referred to as “we”). We ask you to carefully read and agree to the terms of use stipulated below before using the contents in this Web site.
Linking to our Website
免責事項 |
Disclaimers |
1 当ウェブサイト上の内容に関しましては万全を期しておりますが、内容の確実性、安全性、合法性について保証するものではありません。
2 当ウェブサイトの情報を使用したことで生じる、いかなる損害及び損失についても当社は責任を負わないものとします。
3 当ウェブサイトがメンテナンス、リニューアル、そして天災などの緊急事態などで使用できなかったことによって生じる、いかなる損害及び損失についても当社は責任を負わないものとします。
4 当ウェブサイトを通じてリンクする第三者のウェブサイトは、当社が管理及び運営するものではなく、いかなる責任も負いかねます。
5 当ウェブサイトのコラムやブログを含む全ての情報について、公開の中断や中止を含め、予告なく変更されることがあります。
1 We are extremely careful in the manner in which we manage and update the information contained in this website. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and legitimacy of all information contained in this website.
2 We are not responsible for any trouble, loss or damage resulting from the use of this website.
3 We are not responsible for any trouble, loss, or damage due to stoppage or failures of services of this website because of maintenance, renewal and emergency cases such as natural disasters.
4 Other websites linked from this website are not managed by us. Therefore, we are not responsible for anything concerning linked websites.
5 We reserve the right to make changes to the information presented in this website including any columns and blogs as well as the right to suspend or cancel operation of this website without prior notice.
著作権 |
Copyright |
All text, photographs, charts, illustrations, etc. (hereinafter referred to as “content”) on this website are protected by copyright and various other intellectual property rights owned by us or by third parties who have granted us permission to use their materials.
Reproduction, modification, distribution, public transmission and other such uses of all contents in this website without our verbal or written consent of the relevant rights holders are prohibited by copyright laws.
当ウェブサイトへのリンク |
Linking to our Website |
当社「Azure Global Network Services 」へのリンクであることを明白にして下さい。
当社から リンクの削除を申し入れた場合は、直ちに削除して下さい。
1 違法、猥褻、冒涜的なコンテンツを含むサイトからのリンク。
2 当社やその商品、サービスを誹謗中傷、信用を毀損する内容を含むサイトからのリンク。
3 フレームを使用したリンクやその他の方法で当社のコンテンツであることが不明となるリンク。
We welcome links to our website, but please ask us prior to linking regarding such information as management of main bodies of your websites, purposes of linking and URL of your websites.
Please understand that our website may be linked to other websites that are not under the control of or are not maintained by us. We are not responsible for the content of those sites.
Permission to link to our website does not ensure the absence of technical or content errors on the website; therefore, we will not be held responsible for any problems that the link may cause.
Please link to the top page of our website unless you have specific requirements.
Please clearly state the fact that the link is to the Azure Global Network Services Website.
The URL or content of our website may change or be terminated without notice.
If there is a request from us to terminate the links from the websites, the links must be terminated immediately.
However, the following types of links will not be accepted:
1 Links from sites that contain illegal, obscene and/or profane contents.
2 Links from sites with contents that libel or defame us and/or our products and services.
3 Links from sites that make it unclear that the contents of our website using frames within your website.