In recent years, the Tainan City government has been working on advocating the revitalization of the regional economy and tourism resources such as incorporating historical buildings with special products and the culture of each region in order to add value to those buildings, which has also brought a house renovation boom to Tainan. The very first department store in southern Taiwan, Hayashi Department Store, is one typical example.
ハヤシ百貨店は日本統治時代の1932年12月5日に開業しました。当時この建物は台南で最も高い5階建てで、五層樓仔(5階建てビルの意味)とも呼ばれ、日本人をはじめ現地の上流層の人々によく利用されていました。この建物には台湾南部で初めて「流れる籠」と呼ばれる商業用エレベーターが設置され人気を集めました。1945年の第二次世界大戦後、ハヤシ百貨店が閉店した後は、台塩実業や塩の密造を取り締まる塩務警察の事務所として使われました。しかし1997年以降は放置され、空きビルになっていました。2009年に市の史跡に指定され、歴史的建築物を生かした台南市の文化首都づくりの一環として再利用が決定し、2010年から台南市政府によって修復されました。高青時尚開発 が運営権を獲得し、「文化創造百貨店」のコンセプトで再びハヤシ百貨として2014年の再オープンが決定されました。
Hayashi Department Store opened on December 5, 1932 during the period of Japanese occupation. At that time, it was the highest five-floor building in Tainan, also called the Five-Stories House, and it was especially popular with Japanese in polite society. Besides, there was a lift called “The Flowing Basket” installed in the building, which was the first commercial lift in southern Taiwan as well. After WWII ended in 1945, Hayashi Department Store was transformed into offices of the Taiwan Salt Factory and the Salt Police. However, since 1997, it was left unused and became a vacant building. Only in 2009 Hayashi Department Store was classified as a Municipal Heritage Site, and then the repair by the Tainan City Government started in 2010. Then the ownership was transferred to the Koche Development Company, and after the renovation was completed, Hayashi Department Store reopened in 2014 as Tainan Cultural Creative Department, becoming a window towards a New Modern Age in Tainan.
The concept of Hayashi Department Store is divided into a different theme for each floor, “Tainan living room”, “Tainan design “, “Tainan good fashion”, “Tainan gourmet”, “Tainan culture” and “Tainan landscape”. In addition, the designer had saved some of the ancient floorboards from the traditional days and had them installed on the second and third floors. Moreover, on the outer wall over the sixth floor from the fifth floor, there were bullet holes from strafe from the time of World War II. On the sixth floor, there were the remains of a shrine called “Suehirosha” left from the period of the Japanese occupation.
According to the Mayor of Tainan city, Lai Ching-Te, more than 1.4 million people a year have visited this department store since it reopened, and it has also attracted a lot of foreign media. The Mayor additionally claimed that Hayashi Department Store has become an important window for local people and international visitors to learn the history and culture of Tainan, as well as a model of activation of the monuments and heritage to each local government. He also said that it is a landmark of the creative industry that received the most remarkable attention in the country in 2014 due to the management consignment to a private company and invited companies that were interested in the Conservation of Culture to join activating historical monuments.
台南市政府為了促進地方經濟及活用觀光資源, 近年來開始將歷史建築與各地方特色, 文化等作結合, 並帶起了一股老房子修復的風潮。台灣南部的首家百貨公司林百貨就是經典代表之一。
林百貨於日治時期1932年12月5日開幕, 在當時是最高的五層樓建築, 因此也被稱為“五層樓仔”(意指五層樓), 主要客層為上流層的日本人。當時的林百貨是南部唯一一間設置了“流籠”(意指電梯)等現代化設備的百貨, 因而大收歡迎。林百貨於1945年的太平洋戰爭結束後歇業, 後來由台灣製鹽總廠與, 鹽務警察共用林百貨作為辦公處。1997年因為鹽稅停徵而長期閒置成為空屋。到了2009年, 林百貨才被列為市定古蹟, 並於2010年基於台南市政府的 “打造台南文化首都”政策進行整體修復。2014年經由政府將經營權轉交給, 並以“文創百貨”為主題再度以林百貨的身份開幕營業。
林百貨的每一個樓層各由“台南好客廳”, “台南好設計”, “台南好時尚”, “台南好美味”, “台南好文化”, “台南好風景”等主題構成。此外,在建築風格上, 二樓及三樓保有了舊時的地板, 從五樓到六樓的外牆上則有二戰時留下的掃射彈孔, 在六樓頂樓則是日治時期留下的“末廣社”神社遺跡。現為台南的觀光新標地之一。據台南市長賴清德所說, 林百貨自從重新開幕以來年間訪客人數高達140萬人, 並廣受海外媒體關注。賴市長認為, 現在林百貨已成為國內外了解台南歷史文化的重要窗口之一, 希望各地方政府將林百貨作為古蹟活化的參考。另外, 藉由將經營權委託給民機機構,林百貨成為2014年最受矚目的象徵性創意產業, 希望對文化資產保存有興趣的企業也能積極參與古蹟活化的事業。