
Ms. Yoriko Nelson
Working for leading enterprises both in Japan and USA

by Ms. Yoriko Nelson


Ms. Yoriko Nelson has worked for many companies both in Japan and the US utilizing her English proficiency. She currently works for a Japanese-affiliated company in California using her English every day, while her husband is an American who helps us a lot with our work.

【ヨリコ ネルソン氏 プロフィール】


【Profile of Ms. Yoriko Nelson】

Born and raised in Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan; Now residing in Irvine, California, the US;
After graduating high school in Naha City, studied in a junior college in Sacramento, California, the US;
Worked for Panasonic, at their headquarters in Kadoma City, Osaka Prefecture, using English as a software tester and communicated with engineers at Microsoft in California, US;
In the past, worked for many international companies in the US as a customer service representative;
These days, working for a Japanese company at their North American headquarters in Irvine, California as a logistics and inventory control representative extensively;
Hobbies; cooking, traveling, sightseeing, watching movies and listening to 80s music.

by Ms. Yoriko Nelson

【1】 初めて英語に触れたのは何歳の時で、どのような形ですか?

When and how were you first exposed to English?


When I was a little girl in Okinawa my Mom shared her interest in English with me by buying a voice/picture recorder and explaining basic vocabulary like “apple” or “orange” and so on to me.

【2】 どのように英語を習得しましたか?

How did you master English?


I have been actually practicing since my junior high school days, listening to NHK English radio programs and gradually speaking more and more by studying in junior college and having spent many years working in American companies.

【3】 学校で習った英語と生きた英語のギャップをどのように感じられましたか?

What do you think is the difference between the English you learned at school and real English?


For me, the big differences are in the pronunciation, the speaking speed of native English speakers and actually being able to use English in real situations.

by Ms. Yoriko Nelson

【4】 どのように現在の仕事をアメリカで見つけましたか?

How did you find your current job in the US?


I looked for opportunities through online and temporary agencies in the US and was finally introduced by one agency for my current job.

【5】 日本で働くことと、アメリカで働くことの主な相違点は何ですか?

What is the major difference between working in Japan and in the US?


Working in America has less age or gender discrimination than in Japan so there are many more opportunities for female workers, especially over the age of 40.

【6】 仕事にやり甲斐を感じるのはどんな時ですか?

What makes you feel satisfied about your job?


Feeling the appreciation of customers as well as the successful evaluation by my managers for a job well done.

【7】 仕事で大変だな、辛いなと思うことがありますか?あるとしたら、どのようなことですか?

Please tell us about difficult or challenging work if there is any.


Achieving customer satisfaction is rewarding but it takes a lot of effort to not only keep our customers happy on a daily basis but taking care about making our company profitable at the same time.

【8】 プライベートと仕事をどのように分けていますか?

How do you draw the line between your private life and work?


This is another challenge that I have but I try to value my days away from work. However, due to COVID-19 our work has increased so time management is an ongoing chore.

by Ms. Yoriko Nelson

【9】 国際結婚をして良かったと思うことは何でしょうか?

What do you like about an international marriage?


Having mutual respect for both cultures, sharing personal time together and having equal responsibility for taking care of the household and daily tasks.

【10】 アメリカ人と結婚して初めて知ったアメリカ文化の意外な面は何でしたか?

What was an unexpected side of American culture you found after you got married to an American?


Having many years to adapt to Western culture since my high school days, the service culture in the US still takes some getting used to because it does not come naturally like in Japan.

【11】 アメリカで生活したり働いたりするうえで、アジア人ということで困難なことはありますか?

As an Asian, do you have any difficulties living and working in the US?


I seem to always find more positive than negative experiences because I can speak 2 languages and that broadens my contacts both personally as well as professionally.

【12】 アメリカでの人種問題についてご意見をお聞かせ下さい。

What is your opinion about racism in the US?


Everywhere you go you find different levels of racism from different kinds of people so I try to treat each person like I would want to be treated by them. But I don’t usually have any experiences with racism.

【13】 日本で最も懐かしいものは何ですか?

What do you miss most in Japan?


I most miss family and friends, traveling to beautiful sightseeing spots and enjoying fresh seafood.

【14】 今後の夢や目標を教えて下さい。

Please tell us about your goals.


I want to spend the next 1-2 years with my husband in California as he has just come back to the US after living and working in Japan for 20 years. Of course, global travel is always something we hope to do more of.

【15】 今、アメリカで働くことを目指している人に何かメッセージをお願いします。

Could you please give a message to people who have the goal to work in the US?


Be confident in yourself, do not shy away from expressing yourself to others and look forward to the challenge of communicating and working side by side with Americans.

by Ms. Yoriko Nelson
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