

by Mr. Nobu

Mr. Nobu
Graduate Gemologist of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA G.G.)
Authorized Wine Advisor (commonly known as a Sommelier) of the Japan Sommelier Association
Authorized Cheese Professional of the Cheese Professional Association


Nobu studied in Los Angeles and become a Graduate Gemologist of the Gemological Institute of America (GIA G.G.). He is a hard worker and great reader. He also became an Authorized Wine Advisor (commonly known as a Sommelier) of the Japan Sommelier Association and an Authorized Cheese Professional of the Cheese Professional Association. However, he is never satisfied with himself and constantly tries to learn and grow as an individual. He has recently become dedicated to acquiring the Veneciandoor, the authorized sherry qualification.

【ノブ氏 プロフィール】

2013年 JSA(日本ソムリエ協会)認定ワインアドバイザー試験を受験 一次試験は合格、二次試験で不合格
2014年 ワインアドバイザー試験を再受験して合格
2016年 CPA(チーズ・プロフェッショナル・アソシエーション)認定チーズプロフェッショナル取得

[Profile of Mr. Nobu]

Graduated from Konan Junior and Senior High School
Studied in Santa Monica in Los Angeles while at Konan University
Became a Graduate Gemologist of Gemological Institute of America (GIA G.G.)
Joined the pearl business in Japan after graduation from Konan University
2012: Joined the wine sales business and started studying all about wine
2013: Took an exam of the Authorized Wine Advisor of the Japan Sommelier Association, passed the first-stage exam but was unsuccessful in the second-stage
2014: Passed the exam of the Authorized Wine Advisor of the Japan Sommelier Association
2016: Acquired the Authorized Cheese Professional of the Cheese Professional Association (CPA)
Currently, studying to acquire the Veneciandoor, the authorized sherry qualification, and working as a wine advisor at a department store in Umeda, Osaka City

by Mr. Nobu

【1】 初めて英語に触れたのは何歳の時で、どのような形ですか?

When and how were you first exposed to English?


I started studying English at an English class when I was 12 years old, just before entering junior high school.

【2】 アメリカに留学する前に、英語に関してどのような準備をしましたか?

What preparation did you do before you studied in the US?


When I was a high school student, I studied English to improve my skills of grammar and vocabulary. After I entered university, I practiced English conversation and listening in case I became stuck in making daily conversation.

【3】 学校で習った英語と生きた英語のギャップをどのように感じられましたか?

What do you think is the difference between the English you learned at school and real English?


I understood slang expressions for the first time when I lived in the US.

【4】 あなたにとってアメリカ留学はどのような意義がありましたか?

What did studying in the US mean for you?


I developed global awareness. I studied in Santa Monica in Los Angeles, on the West Coast of the US; therefore, I am very thankful that I had opportunities to communicate with many foreign students especially from Asian countries as well as American students in my early twenties.

【5】 アメリカ留学中のコミュニケーションで困ったことがあれば教えて下さい。

Please tell us a story about your difficulties, if any in communicating with others while you were studying in the US.


As I was not in the habit of hugging, I froze up when my host family hugged me soon after the great earthquake occurred in Los Angeles. Then the other Japanese student who lived in the same house told me about our host family’s misunderstanding. They said to him, “Nobu doesn’t like us, does he?” I found that language was not necessarily the most effective way of communication.

【6】 アメリカで生活をして初めて知ったアメリカ文化の意外な面は何でしたか?

What was the unexpected side of American culture you found in your everyday life in the US?


Some Americans are tired from excessive competition..

【7】 帰国後どのように英語力を維持していますか?

How have you maintained your English skills since you came back to Japan?


I have been following foreign wineries, sommeliers and wine critics on social media and reading their posts for my study.

by Mr. Nobu

【8】 ワイン・アドバイザーとはどのような資格ですか?また、修得するためにどのような勉強をしましたか?

What kind of a qualification is the Wine Advisor? What did you study to acquire the qualification?


Wine Advisor is the qualification established for the purpose of giving appropriate information about wine and distributing it to consumers. We study about the growth of grapes, brewing, and producing areas all over the world. A qualification of the Wine Advisor is now integrated into the Certified Sommelier. The first stage is a written exam and the second stage is a practical exam of tasting and an oral exam. The first-stage exam was held in August. I studied the basics of wine from February to June and solved the problems from past tests many times for the remaining 2 months. I took the second-stage exam course at a wine school for success.

by Mr. Nobu
by Mr. Nobu

【9】 チーズプロフェッショナルとはどのような資格ですか?また、修得するためにどのような勉強をしましたか?

What kind of qualification is the Cheese Professional Advisor? What did you study to acquire the qualification?


The Cheese Professional Advisor promotes the charms of cheese on behalf of farmers and cheese producers. I repeatedly learned about cheese and ate it at the cheese course of the wine school.

【10】 ワイン・アドバイザーやチーズプロフェッショナルの資格を取得するきっかけは何でしょうか?

What was the catalyst for you to take qualifications of the Authorized Wine Advisor and the Authorized Cheese Professional?


I wanted to be qualified as a professional who was required to have the basic knowledge though they were private qualifications.

by Mr. Nobu

【11】 ワインやチーズなどの勉強をする上で、あなたの英語力はどのように役立ちましたか?

How do you take advantage of your English ability in your study about wine and cheese?


Many of the internationally renowned wine critics such as Jancis Robinson MW and Robert M. Parker Jr. are British and American; therefore, I can read their earlier comments. The producers in foreign countries usually do not use Japanese but English on their social media and websites. I get information from them in English about the technical data of wine.

【12】 AI時代になり、今後ワインやチーズの世界はどのように変化すると思われますか?

How do you think the world revolving around wine and cheese will change in the AI age?


Some wine and cheese are stably mass produced, and others are traditionally produced by farmers on the land which has been handed down for generations. AI can efficiently mass produce commercial wine and cheese. That is especially why retailers need to explain the uniqueness of wine and cheese which farmers put their hearts into making.

【13】 仕事にやり甲斐を感じるのはどのような時ですか?

What makes you feel satisfied about your job?


I feel satisfied when the guests liked the wine I recommended and found the tastiness they did not know before.

【14】 今後の夢や目標を教えて下さい。

Please tell us about your goals.


・To pass the Veneciandoor with an excellent grade.
・To introduce the appeal of sherry not only in Kobe but also the whole area of Kansai.
・To try to get the International qualification of wine, WEST (Wine & Spirit Education Trust).
・Master Spanish.

【15】 今、ソムリエやチーズプロフェッショナルの資格取得を目指している人に何かメッセージをお願いします。

Could you please give a message to people who aim to pass the Certified Sommelier and the Certified Cheese Professional examinations?


The sommelier textbooks are so thick that you may be overwhelmed by them; however, they are full of essential information for sommeliers (wine advisors). You need to memorize the entire textbooks and your knowledge will be useful for tasting later. These are all important pieces of knowledge to improve your tasting skill: the characteristics of each variety of grapes, the information about growing areas such as climate, latitude and altitude, and the traditional brewing style or modern way. Please hang in there. I, myself, still keep studying.
The textbooks for the Cheese Profession are much thinner than the sommelier ones. Even if you learn the entire textbooks by heart, you cannot pass the exam. You need to have a good understanding of cheese. I recommend you study with teachers who can answer any questions at school.

by Mr. Nobu


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