
Ms. Ai Sakuragi
Caricature Artist

by Ms. Ai Sakuragi



Ms. Ai Sakurai is a brilliant caricature artist who makes many people both in Japan and from abroad smile with her works of art. She also drew some caricature pieces for us. We were most impressed by the picture which she drew of our four beloved dogs; two live with us now, and the others are in hound heaven. In reality, they never lived together but she fulfilled our dream in her picture.

by Ms. Ai Sakuragi

【櫻木愛氏 プロフィール】


【Profile of Ms. Ai Kashiwagi】

Born in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan; Now residing in Tokyo;
Worked as an animater for 2 years;
Then worked as an accountant at a logistics company for 10 years
Desired to be a professional artist from a very young age;
Found out about caricatures when watching a branch shop in Shimokitazawa (Setagaya Ward, Tokyo) of Caricature Japan on a variety show, “Moya-moya Summers” broadcast by TV TOKYO Corporation while she was wanting to get a job as a painter;
Several years later, when she was looking for a school where she could learn how to draw portraits, she found on the website of Caricature Japan that it offered a professional course and so she decided to enroll in it;
While practicing drawing caricatures at various places such as Ueno Park, cafés and parties, she was profoundly impressed by how people were pleased with her works of art;
Striving to draw caricatures, which can move clients even to tears, at the shop every day she really hopes to make many people happy!

by Ms. Ai Sakuragi

【1】 カリカチュアは単なる似顔絵とは違うそうですが、どのようなアートですか?

Caricatures are said to be different from general portraits. What kind of art are caricatures?


Caricatures are pictures of models in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to describe their looks and personality in a humorous manner.

【2】 カリカチュア・アーティストを目指したきっかけを教えて下さい。

What motivated you to pursue the world of caricatures?


It was excellent pieces of work on the website of Caricature Japan. I was moved to see them not only because of their high quality but also their humor which expresses the world view.

【3】 目指してからプロになるまで、どのくらいの期間、どのようなことをしましたか?
How long did it take you to be a professional artist since you made it a goal and what did you do?


In my case, I was trained at school for 10 months. There were 3 steps: the basic, the general and the professional courses. The professional course was 2 months long. As being a caricature artist requires the skills of creating artwork quickly, it is considered effective to draw 100 people in a short period of time in various places such as cafés and parks for the improvement of my skill as an artist.

【4】 お客さんを描く時に心がけていることは何ですか?

What do you keep in mind when you draw people?


I try to draw pictures to please clients. I don’t draw what I choose, but sensitively feel what clients want me to draw and try to do so.

【5】 あなたが考える良いカリカチュア・アートとは何ですか?

What does excellent caricature art mean to you?


Caricature art often leads to new encounters more than what was originally expected. I believe that good caricature art can make people smile when they see the pictures of someone even if they don’t know who he/she is.

【6】 デジタル時代に今後カリカチュア・アートはどのように変化していくと思いますか。

How do you think the world surrounding caricatures will change in the digital age?


More and more pieces of art are delivered in the form of digital data. However, there is a demand for permanent paper and frames which are worth handing down as something tangible.

by Ms. Ai Sakuragi

【7】 外国からのお客さんはどこの国の方が多いでしょうか? またどれくらいの割合でしょうか?(新型コロナウィルス流行前)

What countries are international clients mainly from? What is the percentage of international clients? (prior to the spread of COVID-19)


The international clients make up about 30 percent of the total number. Many of them are from China or Taiwan, and also people come from the US, Europe and other parts of Asia. Surprisingly, I have a number of Australian clients.

【8】 日本人のお客さんを描く時と、外国のお客さんを描く時に異なる点はありますか? もしあったとしたら、それは何ですか?

Is there any difference between Japanese and international clients? If so, please enlighten us.


I am confident in drawing Japanese faces, but it is difficult to capture the special features of non-Japanese’ faces because I am not used to seeing them. And also, non-Japanese sometimes have such distinctive appearances that I cannot adequately exaggerate their faces.

【9】 日本語を話せない外国のお客様とはどのようにコミュニケーションを取っていますか?

How do you communicate with international clients who don’t speak Japanese?


I have language training in my company, and study often-used and helpful expressions. I don’t think I can perfectly master English; therefore, I cannot help speaking basic English. While I am drawing, clients try hard to communicate with me by writing memos and showing photos on smartphones. I suppose our relationship will get closer in this manner, more than by speaking English fluently.

【10】 初めて英語に触れたのは何歳の時で、どのような形ですか?

When and how were you first exposed to English?


I probably read or listened to English when I was very young and started to study English seriously at my junior high school. I got good scores on English tests because my private tutor drilled basic English grammar into me.

【11】 過去、または現在、どのような方法で英語力を高めていますか?

How did you study English when you were a child? More recently, how have you tried to improve your English ability?


I study English at an English conversation school and watch English conversation programs on TV. I also use new English phrases with my clients which I translate using Google software.

【12】 受験英語と生きた英語のギャップをどのように感じられましたか?

What do you think is the difference between exam English and real English?


Exam English is sometimes useful, but it is different from the nuances and expressions which I feel firsthand when I talk with native English speakers.

by Ms. Ai Sakuragi

【13】 あなたが尊敬したり、影響を受けたりしたアーティストは誰ですか?また、ライバルだと思うアーティストは誰ですか?

Please let us know about the artists you respect, admire and regard as rivals.


I respect Nobuyuki Shimamura, an artist of realist painting. His works greatly impacted me and motivated me to paint again. I don’t regard anyone as a rival.

【14】 アーティストとしての今後の目標を教えて下さい。

Please tell us about your goals as an artist.


My goals are to hold a solo exhibition and have my own art studio.

【15】 最後にカリカチュア・アーティストを目指す人々へのメッセージをお願いします。

Lastly, could you give a message to people who aim to be a professional caricature artist?


You need to practice earnestly to master caricature art. You might have a hard time training yourself, but it is truly pleasing to draw models exactly as you imagine. Hang in there!

by Ms. Ai Sakuragi
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